Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No more little Boy...

Summer is officially over and I am up at 6 am...again! not so little boy is starting high school today, I have such mixed emotions. He is the baby of five and in some ways like an only child with his 7-14 year age span between his brother and sisters. He is such a joy in my life that is really had not dawned on me how this day would make me feel! It reminds me of his first day of kindergarten..of course I cried...and suddenly I am overcome with those feeling again, my baby is going out into this great big world. As I call him little, he really is not 5 ft 11 now (taller than me) although very thin, he will also be a special little boy that tugs at my heart!

This is one of my favorite pics of him at age 10
I just love his curly hair.....

1 comment:

Karen said...

Isn't it amazing how QUICKLY they grow up? My baby is now a Jr. in COLLEGE for crying out loud!
As I keep telling my sister-in-law who cannot believe she has a 5 year old and an 8 year old now, DON'T BLINK!